Garet and I had a pretty lazy morning. Which was wonderful! We eventually got the house straightened, the laundry done, and got groceries. That night we went to dinner and a movie with another couple. We went and saw The Soloist. It was pretty good - I really like watching movies that are based on real life.
Sunday, yesterday, we went to church, and when we came out, guess what? it was raining. I feel like our poor yard has been so neglected because we can't get outside long enough to get anything accomplished! Garet started mowing the grass Saturday morning, he got the front yard (which is what really counts!) and then got halfway through the backyard and it started pouring down rain! So now our backyard has a "high-top fade" as Garet puts it.
So, we were sitting around after lunch on Sunday and Garet suggested that we go look at cars. We've talked about upgrading to a SUV of somesort in the future. Mainly for when we have kids - can you imagine a child and Suzi in the backseat of a car?! No thank you. We set off to "look". Well, we we found something we liked and they just wouldn't let us leave without it... so look what we got:

Wow that was quick on the car! Suzi will have her own seat now! We did skip out on morning church b/c it looked like rain the rest of the day. We did yard work yesterday morning and then went to night church.
Wow! I thought you were just looking:) That looks very pretty. I know ya'll will really love it on your trips. I don't think I can ever go back to a car again. It's just so convenient with the dogs.
Don't you just love car salesmen and their "can't refuse" offers! I love that you guys found a car and a great deal! You will love the extra room of an all you need is the car seats and you'll be the All American Fam!!!! Congrats on the upgrade!
I know I am way far behind on my blog readng & writing (between computer issues, house reno/work, blocked internet at work :-), and traveling I haven't found the time), but this is so exciting! I know you will enjoy the room:-) We love our explorer and they are similar in size! Will this be what you drive, or what Garet drives?
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