I figured I'd sum up our trip to Michigan in a couple different parts. That way I don't have a HUGE post :)
We left at like 6:30 a.m. on Wednesday morning for our long 10 hour drive to Michigan. It was a pretty scenic drive, but by the end we were pretty restless. Even Suzi was getting sick of being in the car...

Poor pup. She had her big crate in between the back seat and front seat, but she DID have the entire back seat to herself! Lucky for us, she is really good in the car!
We got to Garet's sister's house by 6:00ish (there was an hour time difference) and she had a wonderful dinner waiting on us. We were greeted by her and her husband and their 3 kids. There was snow on the ground when we got there! It was so neat to see "real" snow! We got to visit some before we crashed for the night.
Thursday was Thanksgiving. It was pretty outside, but it was FREEZING! We all bundled up and went to a park to go on a long walk with Suzi. My mom had given us a coat for Suzi a year or two ago and she has never worn it - for the record, we are not the people that put clothes on our dog! - but it was super cold and I thought it would be cute...

I was surprised that she didn't even try to get it off! Suzi had no clue what to do with all the snow, but as soon as the kids started kicking it she quickly realized that she could eat it, so, that's what she did.
We got back to the house and got ready for Thanksgiving dinner. I don't have any pictures because my camera was broken... the pictures I did get (that are on this post) I got by luck. My camera's screen broke, so I could take pictures - I just couldn't look at the pictures I took. Anywho - we had a wonderful dinner, and it was so nice to visit with everyone!
After dinner we were informed that we had to go next door to the neighbors house to see the Christmas lighting. Huh? Garet's brother-in-law, Mark, asked us if we'd seen
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation... you know the one, with the Griswold's... OF COURSE we had! Well that was their neighbor...

The picture doesn't even do it justice! I couldn't get everything into one shot!! There were lights EVERYWHERE, things were moving, there was music playing... you name it! It was hilarious! AND everyone around knew about it... so while we were standing there looking at the house, there were people driving by, and walking down the street to look at it! Come to find out, they starting putting up these decorations in October! Wow! It was great!
Love Suzi's coat and the Griswald neighbors. Hilarious. Did you all have to do the drum roll????
We actually missed the "kick off" and just got there after everything was lit... but I am no even kidding when I say the neighbors were crowding around to see it! It was too funny!
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