I don't think I've blogged about this (think I had to let it all sink in first!)
A couple months ago my brother, Eric, called me and informed me that he had signed up to join the Marines. I was in total shock, but evidently he had been thinking about this for a long time. Which is good! While most of me is a mix of emotions (WORRY, scared, nervous...) I can't help but be really happy for him. This is something that he really wants to do, and he is really excited about it.

Back in July he got engaged, since he will be started bootcamp in April (when they were originally going to get married) they bumped up the date of the wedding to January 16! I am so excited! This means that I am going to get to go to Charlotte to see my family in November (for Thanksgiving), in December (right before Christmas), and in January (for the wedding)!

I miss my family so much! It will be so great to see them NEXT WEEK! I have so much to do before then! :)
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