So we don't really have too much going on this week. Garet and I had a wonderful weekend - we almost felt retired because we were off work for 4 days in a row! It was GREAT! :) Garet is in Birmingham for work today and tomorrow, so it's just us girls at the house.
I am not big on making New Year Resolutions - but Garet and I did start going to a gym again. Go Us! They actually opened up a gym right down the road from us. It is so nice to have somewhere close by! I went yesterday after work, you know how most gyms are PACKED at 5:00??? well there were 3 people in there when I got there. I am not kidding! Three. That's it! I jammed to my new iPod and didn't have to worry about waiting for machines! I am somewhat sore today... I don't know if it is from the gym, or if I just have Nintendinitis from the Wii. You think I'm kidding, but we played Trivial Pursuit with some friends and that really exists!
Also, for the new year, my work as decided to let us go at 4:30 instead of 5:00 Monday-Thursday, then at 4:00 on Fridays. That is soooo nice! It is amazing what a difference 30 minutes can make! It is actually still light outside when I leave now!
This is random, but Garet and I just got a Furminator. If you don't know what it is and you have a dog (or cat) you MUST invest!!! Suzi is a shedder, for sure, and this takes sooo much hair off her! It is truly amazing!
Well, tonight I plan on going home, throwing on some sweats, curling up on the couch, and watching The Biggest Loser. The rain is supposed to stop tonight, we'll see...
1 comment:
Hey Kelly-Brian got a furminator for our dogs and you are right- it's great. It really does work.
Love ya,
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