Friday, January 23, 2009

The weekends here...

This week has flown by for me! I think it is because I have been super busy at work - time always flies by when you have a lot to do! I would so much rather be busy than bored at work :)

Anyway - last weekend Garet took me to Decatur and Athens (the area he is now over) and we drove around just to see the area. I had never been. Athens is really cute, really small, but cute. There were some really neat stores downtown there. Decatur is right on the the water, so that was pretty. We haven't put much more thought into moving - yet. Right now Garet is able to do a lot of his work from home, or the office (which is here in Huntsville), so it's all working right now.

Last night we had a dinner out in Decatur at the country club. It was nice - but when you are driving back home at 9:30 at night, you realize how far of a drive it is!

Today Garet has a friend coming into town. He has been here once before, but this will be the first time since we've lived in our house. I know Garet is excited to see him and hang out. I've been bad about taking pictures but I'm sure I will have some to post after this weekend!

Hope everyone has a good weekend!

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