Monday, August 17, 2009

I have not opened up about this on this blog - but I feel the need to bring it to attention. I follow a lot of different blogs but one of them posted this yesterday- this topic is very close to mine, and Garet's, heart. We have been dealing with infertility for over a year. Over a month ago we went through a miscarriage. That post, in my opinion, is very eye opening for those that have not gone through infertility. I know most people that have not gone through it really don't know how to talk/deal with someone that is going through it. This blogger wrote a very good post in response. I feel very blessed to have such a wonderful husband, and such a great family and friends. While many don't know what to say, just knowing that you are praying means the world! I am not going to go into our situation, I'm just not quite ready for that yet, however, I think that there are a lot of people out there that feel alone with this. I am glad that these bloggers are talking about it.


Amanda said...

Good post...prayin for you friend!

Anonymous said...

Kelly...I'm praying for you and Garet.

glenna marshall said...

thanks for linking me!
i'm so sorry for your loss last month. my heart hurts for you.
i pray the Lord blesses you with children.

Lauren Nigh said...

Praying for you! Thanks for sharing this!
Lauren P