On Friday my boss gave all of the staff flowers! It was Administrative Appreciation Day - so she "appreciated" all [7] of us :) They are really pretty! I just hope I don't kill them!

While I was looking at my flowers I went to the backyard and checked on my hydrangea.
Last year they were beautiful! And pink! I was so impressed that they even bloomed! I always forget to water my flowers... but somehow they end up looking good. As Fall and Winter rolled around last year, my poor hydrangea started looking reeeeally bad. I thought for sure I had killed them for good! But this year they started turning green again! And now look:

There are buds all over!! I am so excited! I can't wait for them to pop open!
We are having threats for bad weather again this weekend. Right now Garet is out in one of his districts (for work) doing tornado clean-up from last weekend's tornado. I really hope another one doesn't hit.
In the meantime, I am baking cookies and Suzi is watching the weather.
Love hydrangeas! Wish I had some myself! And the petunias are pretty too...just keep picking off the spent blooms and they will stay pretty all summer!
I like your flowers AND Suzi's new collar!
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