1. Paint. Yes I am still trying to figure out what colors to paint our bedroom and our bathroom. I decided that I would be going to Lowes this weekend and make a FINAL decision! Then I could go ahead and tape the rooms so everything is ready to buy the paint and just do it! I am tired of looking at the paint samples that are all over our walls! =)
2. Today marks the beginning of the "Tax Free Weekend". If you know me you know I HATE shopping - I really just need a personal assistant to do that kind of stuff for me! But, I do need a couple things, and there are going be some good deals. So, maybe I'll go shopping tomorrow. or maybe not...
3. Today is also August 1st!!!!! Where has the year gone?! I can't believe it is already August! This month there are lots of birthdays - like around 10 (including mine!!) and a wedding in Charlotte. At work we just ordered our 2009 calendars! It just seems like this year is flying by! The schools here are also starting back. Which seems crazy too! When I was in elementary school I used to be soo mad that my birthday happened right before school started, which ment that I couldn't have cupcakes at school to celebrate --- you know that was a big deal! Now, my birthday WOULD happen while school is in, it's just not fair.
4. At work, I have taken on the job of trying to get us to go [mostly] paperless. I have been scanning my behind off so that we can have everything on disks rather than paper crammed in boxes in storage. It takes up a lot of time to begin with, but I think it will work out much better. So, I thought, "I should do this at home!" I am a financial coordinator, so I am very detailed especially when it comes to money/bills/payments/etc. I keep EVERY reciept, bill, check stub, bank statement....... oh you name it, just ask Garet! So our file cabinet is exploding. And we have a scanner, so common sense says just scan everything! Yay! So now I have a new project to work on at home!
5. My husband is leaving me again... Work is taking him to Nashville for a few days. =( sad. He doesn't leave until tomorrow morning, so we have plans to go out tonight which will be fun. But what am I supposed to do about the rest of my weekend??? Guess I could do everything I mentioned above: paint, scan, shop. Girl time for me and Suzi again!

Love that face =)
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