Saturday morning, after breakfast, we started on the storm door.... boy - that is a job! It took us at least 4 -5 hours to finish the whole thing! NOTHING was done when we took it out of the box. I would think at least there would be a door hinge or something done, but no, we did it all (go us!!) I am sooo happy with it!


And here is the finished product!
That took up ALL of our Saturday morning, and after lunch we mowed the lawn, weedwacked, went grocery shopping, and chilled for a little bit. Then we headed out to meet some friends for dinner. THEN we went to see The Dark Knight. Good movie. Heath Ledger was great. I agree with everyone else =)
On Sunday, after church, our neighbor invited us along with our new neighbors over for a cookout. It was really nice to chat and get to know each other. So we had a very busy weekend - which lead to a busy week. I am going to enjoy this afternoon with having NOTHING to do!! Yay! Then this weekend we are headed to Charlotte for a wedding! I'll leave you with our sweet little puppy in the window...

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