Also... tomorrow is my best friend, Marsha's birthday! I have known Marsha since kindergarden - that's over 20 years!!!!!!!! Whoa! We became instant friends from the minute that I tied her shoe for her =) She is now in her last year of vet school, and I am soo proud of her! Happy Birthday Girl!!! LOVE YOU!
In Charlotte, the last time we saw each other
2. First let me mention that all week the temperature has been right around 100 degrees outside - At the beginning of the week my air condition went out on my car!!! I was turning, and all the sudden I heard a noise and water started dripping from under the dashboard onto my passanger side floor! I, of course, freaked out. My dad said just don't use the a/c and you should be fine until you can get it fixed- HA So, here I am driving around Alabama, in 100+ degree heat with no a/c! Luckly, once Garet got home he had time to get it fixed.
3. I posted on how Garet got home early and suprised me - well on Wednesday he was able to get off work early and surprised me with dinner! How sweet is that?! He grilled kabobs, corn, and made pasta salad, and muffins! I must admit, I was impressed! It was so sweet, and it was soo good. Even he couldn't stop talking about how good it was! I told him, since he was such a good cook, I'll let him cook more often =)4. Tonight Garet has a dinner for work that I am invited to. So I am in a dress right now because I can't go home before we go to dinner. I feel so fancy! haha It should be nice, we are going to Bridgestreet, which is a really pretty area. It is always a good thing when you go to a nice resturant and you aren't paying!
5. I am sooooo happy it is Friday. I always am [duh] but this week, I really am - I just feel like it has been a long week! The weather is perfect!!! It is right above 80 degrees with a breeze -- I just want to go sit outside! And it is supposed to be this way alllllll weekend! Yay! We don't really have plans for the weekend. The only thing that is a must, is the stormdoor! Other than that, we may hang out with some friends Saturday night. So, I am excited to enjoy a relaxing weekend!
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