We are having our Building, Home & Remodeling Show this weekend, which means that we get to work ALL weekend. I have actually been there setting up for it all week. It is nice to get out of the office, and time sure flies by since we are so busy there - but when I get home I realize how tired I am! And how bad my feet hurt!
Today and tomorrow I get the morning off - I don't have to be there until noon but then I will be working until close. If you plan on coming go here and print out a $1 off coupon :)
So our show is going on at the VBC (Von Braun Center), well guess what else is going on at the VBC??? The RODEO!! Last year Garet and I went - but this year I have to work more, so we won't be able to make it. I love the rodeo! Our show office has two big windows, and guess what they look out on?? The behind the scenes of the rodeo!! When I have some downtime I watch the cowboys set up the rails and get the horses into the arena. I'll have to take some pictures! Here is Garet and I last year 

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