So, I was just lookin around on the Internet - or should I say "surfing the web" and I came across Martha Stewart's horse stables! Wow! I have loved horses since I can remember. When I was 5 I met my best friend, Marsha, who actually is still my best friend to this day! She owned a pony named Trixie and a horse named Tootsie (which is still alive and doing well!) We would ride for hours on end, galloping through her pastures, going on adventures. One time we even slept on her barn roof. -Don't ask why... we were kids and that's what kids do: crazy stuff.
I eventually bought a horse and kept him at the barn where we took riding lessons. We changed around barns probably 5 times or so, each barn different, yet all of them were simple and neat. Just what we needed. When I started getting into horse shows where we traveled to other barns, I saw some REALLY nice barns! The kind that doesn't even smell like horses! I like looking at places like that - but seriously, I like the smell :)
This barn is really nice! Here is the front

Here is some of the inside - check out the floors! Beautiful! And I love the simplicity of it!

I liked this one because it shows the stall bars. I love how the stalls don't go all the way up to the ceiling. It makes it seem bigger.

Love horse faces! What a beauty he is! Garet says I say that about all horses!

This is the farrier putting shoes on, but I love the beadboard on the wall!

Okay and she even has company over and serves them dinner in the barn!

This is a picture of one of the pastures, but check out the fence! Love it!

This was a picture taken from a helicopter. No that is not her house, that is her barn! And just look how pretty and green!
I have already made clear to Garet that I will own another horse, one day :) Maybe not a farm to this extent though! I love looking at barns and horses!
I bet Martha's barn doesn't smell like horses. I really love those pendant light fixtures. Great post! Very pretty!
Love the smell too. You really captured the simplicity of this barn. And having dinner there is a fab idea. happy that I have stopped by. Paula
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