Thursday, January 12, 2012

Bye Marshall...

Mathers that is (a.k.a. Eminem a.k.a. the REAL Slim Shady)

I am definitely an Eminem fan.  Yes, he can be inappropriate sometimes a lot of the time, but he is a genius.  Have you listened to the lyrics?!  Wow.  He is amazing.  But, I am a mother now.  And I have Colin with me most of the time.  So... that means no more inappropriate music.  (at least not while he's around.) (Don't worry I don't listen to the bad words.)  I haven't listened to any music like this around Colin since he was born - but now he really gets things!  Like I can say "Hey Colin, go get your water and let's go upstairs" and he does!  So, good bye for now Slim...

And speaking of inappropriate.  I got this book for Christmas.  H I L A R I O U S!  I mean, yes there are bad words but it seriously cracks me up!  You can't take life too seriously.  I just need to make sure to put that one well out of Colin's reach =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey, can i consume the child?