We really had such a great Christmas! It was soo great to see ALL of my family, and many of our friends! We got to Charlotte
early on Tuesday (like 2 a.m.) We went right to sleep. Tuesday when we got up, we went to visit my cousins and then we went to see my brother's house, and meet his dog, Macy.
Wednesday, Christmas Eve, I got to have lunch with a couple of my friends. Then we went to a Christmas Eve service at church. It was soo nice! I saw a lot of people that I knew - it is always neat to get back "home" and see people that I haven't seen in YEARS!
Christmas Day we woke up and made a big breakfast. My brother, Eric and his girlfriend, Kailey came over, and so did my uncle, Ray. Here is Eric, Kailey, and us:

We all ate, and opened presents. We got lots of fun stuff! Garet and I got a Wii - I didn't even know I wanted one, but man it is tons of fun! :) We also got an iPod, clothes, shoes, and other great things. Suzi got a toy, which she has already destroyed. Garet and I not only got presents for everyone, but we also brought.... take a guess..... here's a hint:

POPCORN! Yep, everyone got some popcorn too! If you aren't aware, the Boy Scouts sell popcorn, therefore, we have tons of it!
After playing Wii all morning, we went over to one of my aunts houses. Most of my family lives close, so everyone gets together on Christmas and Thanksgiving. All my aunts, uncles, and cousins. Here is me with a few of my cousins:

I pretty much stand out in my family - the blond.
We left there and got back to my parents house. I snagged my brother for a quick picture:

My parents and Garet and I all hung out talking and playing with our new stuff. Christmas Day always flies by! Both Garet and my dad got a hat in their stockings, so here is mom and me trying them on:

I love seeing my family! I wish I had gotten more pictures! I will have to post tomorrow of some of the friends we got to catch up with!