Friday, July 27, 2012

The week...

We read our new library books:

We made dinner:

Which turned out perfect:

We went on walks and then played some basketball:

And we made great shots:

We celebrated Daddy's birthday - the day began with the traditional birthday donuts...

And later in the day, going to the pool...
Colin was actually super excited... he just didn't want to smile for the picture I guess =)

We gave high fives:

Of course, we had cake!

We've been running.... all over the place...

We've had snacks, and especially enjoy a cold popsicle on these hot days!

We played with the sidewalk chalk:

I may have gotten a little carried away...

BUT, Colin made me do it!  See:
(he's handing me more chalk)

We have been super busy outside with the wagon and the basketball hoop.  It has just been WAY to hot to stay out for too long.

We've been reading to Suzi:

We played with cars...
I thought it would be a good idea to make a road with tape...
Colin thought it was a good idea to wad up the tape and then run over it with his bike...

.... And now we are ready for the Olympics and the weekend!  YAY! 


L Davis said...

What a super-duper week you've had! You've really stayed busy. I love how you've captured so many moments!

Kim Beane Burzych said...

Birthday donuts! Yay! I laughed out loud at the last photo and explanation. What a cutie!

Merideth Dillard said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the Birthday donuts for the Birthday boy!! Love you guys! Can not believe how big Colin is getting!!